Title: This title almost gives a personified quality to suicide that is sinister yet inviting.
Paraphrase: The calm and cool face of the river is inviting.
Connotation: Despite the title, the words used in this poem are not negative but rather express a more inviting and captivating.
Attitude: The attitude is not quite somber when considering the title but rather mellow and calm. It personifies the river and portrays it as inviting with imagery.
Shifts: If there is a shift in this poem it has to be the third line, the point where the realization of how the title and the poem fit together becomes apparent, the person who "kisses" the water is really going to drown themselves.
Title: The title depicts the way that suicide lies to the victim when paired with the poem. Its note to the victim is seemingly innocent and inviting, it will help them out of their troubles, but the price to pay is their life.
Theme: The quick fix to a problem can seem inviting, but the answer to a permanent problem does not have to be a permanent solution.
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